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    How To Custom Paint Tesla Calipers with 2K High Temp Caliper Paint from T Sportline


    Properly lift the vehicle and safely secure with jack stands or other acceptable methods.  Remove the wheel(s).


    Very thoroughly wash and scrub the brake caliper and surrounding brake disk, brackets, and brake lines.   Use the special prep wash provided in the T Sportline kit.  


    For the best possible paint job, we recommend unbolting the brake caliper from the caliper bracket and pulling the caliper away from the brake disc.  This can be managed carefully so that brake line is never disconnected.  Be careful not to kink, bend, or pull the brake line.  When the caliper is unbolted and pulled away from the brake disk, the brake pads can be removed and set aside.  The caliper can be more carefully washed and cleaned when unbolted.  Procced to further cleaning and scuffing the paintable caliper surfaces with the included scotchbrite pads and wire brushes.   All paintable surfaces must be clean and scuffed up.  The better preparation is, the better the paint job will be.   After rewashing the area, use the included brake cleaner aerosol to spray off the entire paintable surface and further loosen and remove any stubborn or residual dirt.   As a last spay, spray off the caliper with brake clean and it should be wiping clean when tested with a microfiber towel.   Brake clean spray consumes quickly – do not overuse and manage the can to save enough for all four brake calipers.  Extra brake clean aerosol can be purchased from most any local auto parts store.  Allow the caliper and surrounding area to thoroughly dry. 


    Start masking the vehicle by covering the entire vehicle with the included plastic masking plastic.  If painting all four calipers at once, center the plastic on the vehicle and work to tape the plastic around each wheel hub and brake disc.  Leave the calipers exposed.  If painting one caliper at a time, center the plastic and work to tape the plastic around the one prepared wheel hub and brake disc.  Use masking tape to tape all areas not to be painted, included any caliper piston seals (surfaces where brake pads touch), brake hoses, and areas surrounding. 


    Secure the caliper in position to paint.  This can be done in any number of manners from resting on the wheel hub bracket or brake disc, or using a secondary jack stand or similar rigging.   Be sure the caliper is stable and not subject to fall or move during painting. 


    Once the caliper is positioned for painting and all surrounding areas are masked off, spray the paintable surfaces with the Team 1EV Brake Caliper Prep spray, per the instructions on the can.


    Be sure to install the face respirator before proceeding to using the Brake Caliper Paint. Do not paint without the respirator installed.  Do not stand around the painting process unless you are wearing the respirator.  


    Next, follow the paint instructions on the Team 1EV Brake Caliper Paint can for activating the 2k paint and applying.  


    Once the paint is dry per the can instructions, the parts can be unmasked, the brake pads can be reinstalled, and the brake calipers can be positioned over the disc and reinstalled.  Torque all bolts to factory specs.